Thursday, June 11, 2020

Canción: La Sandunga por Patricia Alcaraz

Este video tiene algunas fotos maravillos de México. La canción es hermosa con una historia interesante.

haz clic aquí para escuchar

From Wikipedia: "La Sandunga" (also spelled "La Zandunga") is a traditional Mexican waltz and the unofficial anthem of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, in the state of Oaxaca. It is inspired by the Spanish jota style of music and also contains Native American and Mestizo elements. Sandunga is a rarely used word in the Spanish language that can be translated in a variety of ways including; gracefulness, elegance, charm, wit, and celebration.[1] The melody of the song is believed to have originated from Andalusia and it was rearranged by Zapotec musician Andres Gutierrez (Whose name is Ndre Sa’a in the Zapotec language).[2][3] The lyrics were written by Máximo Ramó Ortiz in 1853[3] after the death of his mother. Ortiz, who served as governor of Tehuantepec[1] also wrote the song in part to promote independence of the isthmus from the Mexican government.[3] The song tells of a Zapotec woman mourning the death of her mother while crying out, "Sandunga".[1]

Estas palabras no son igual de la canción.

Antenoche fui a tu casa,
Tres golpes le di al candado,
Tienes el sueño pesado.
Ay! Sandunga, Sandunga
Mamá por Dios.
Sandunga, no seas ingrata,
Mamá de mi corazón.
Me ofreciste acompañarme
Desde la iglesia hasta mi choza,
Pero como no llegaste
Tuve que venirme solo.
A orillas del Papaloapam
Me estaba bañando ayer,
Pasaste por las orillas
Y no quisiste ver.
Estaban dos tortolitas
Arrullándose en su nido,
Y por más luchas que te hice
Te hiciste la desentendida.
Ay! Sandunga sí, Ay Sandunga no,
Ay! Sandunga del otro lado,
Donde quiera que pego un brinco yo,
Yo siempre caigo parado.
Mosquito, no mortifiques
Con tus cantos mal sonantes,
Si me cantas no me piques,
Si me picas no me cantes

Source: LyricFind

Songwriters: Antonio Bribiesca / Antonio Bribiesca Castellanos
La zandunga lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

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